Saturday, January 14, 2017

My Drawing Portfolio

  Mercedes Benz Dealership- Off Lekki Freeway, Lagos State. Nigeria
The plan and rendered perspective in the next 2 pages are from a 'Mercedes Benz Dealership' project, for which I coordinated the completion of the working drawings, then put together the entire drawings, as well as, the bill of material. for the tender process.  I subsequently pre-qualified contractors, inviting the best qualified ones to collect the above stated tender documents (including a ‘non-priced’ B.O.Q. (bill of quantities/ material). I eventually facilitated a contract negotiation meeting between the contracting firm that emerged winner of the bidding process, and client (project owner).  I went ahead to coordinate (as Project Architect) the construction of the first phase of the project.                 

    Ikoyi Nursing Home-Doctors' Residence in Ikoyi, Lagos State. Nigeria

I was project architect for the completion of the 5 units town house (row housing pattterned)'Ikoyi Nursing Home;- Doctors' Residence, as shown in the above drawings.  My responsibility started right after the roofing stage was completed. This included rendering of the walls, wiring the entire building (through the already embedded conduit), finishing the floor (mostly with ceramic and in some cases marble tiles), installation of the doors and windows, and eventual painting of the entire building.   

Private Residence in Redondo Beach, California

I worked on drawing revisions for the above captured private residence in Redondo Beach, California, 
This was greatly important, in securing the project approval from the city planning office. I had a series of meetings/ presentations with the plan checker, after which I implemented the marked amendments to the drawings (at some stage we had to prepare a project board to show samples of the finishing material. 

Maersk Shipping Line Regional Head Office- Victoria Island, Lagos State. Nigeria
I was project Architect for the design revision/ redesign and project execution of two additional floors and a loft (the loft was initially an enclosed service aisle, which was converted to a gallery display loft/ mezzanine floor), on a previously constructed 4 level office structure (my previous boss had been the project architect of the earlier 4 levels, and had no difficulties recommending me for the extension of the project).

Undergraduate School Project Design on transport Terminal Buildings-Airport 
This was an undergraduate school assignment, to research into the various transport terminal buildings (the entire class was split into 4-5 groups, each group being assigned a particular mode of transport, with my group being assigned air transport). The next stage of the assignment, involved each student proposing a design for a terminal building for the mode of transport assigned to their respective (independent) group. 

Undergraduate School Project Design, for a Vocational Training Center
This was an undergraduate school assignment, to research into what could solve a societal problem.
I choose to research into how to empower people (especially the disadvantaged), to engage in meaningful employment through which they can earn enough to sustain themselves (and their families).

Monday, April 11, 2016

TO: Mr. Dennis Larney FROM: Paul Okoye DATE: December 29, 2015 RE: ECTS 519, Winter 2015, Competency Verification Please accept this memo as verification of competency for ECTS 519 based on previous work and scholastic experience. I have 3-5 years experience in Class-Room teaching and After-School tutoring respectively. I currently teach Engineering classes (Engineering Essentials, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering), which focuses on exposing students to the varied arms of engineering, as well as the varied skills required to be successful in the different engineering professions captured in the courses. Previously, I worked as an Architect/ Project Manager, in the construction industry, during which time I mostly utilized the computer for drawing houses. I however, once in a while, used other computer programs for other some office related purposes, such as writing letters with MS Words, make presentations with Power Point and Photoshop, tabulate and check data using Excel spreadsheet. and also communicate through e-mails with Internet Explorer. In the Spring 2015 quarter I completed both the ECTS 501 and ECTS 518, with a grade of "A". Attached is my resume, which includes my job description, my report for ECTS 501 and 518, as well as the course description for ECTS 518 (and ECTS 501) from the 2015/2016 CSUSB course Syllabus/ Catalog to serve as verification. I have also included several letters of recommendation from previous employers, describing my exemplary work. . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on the above documents, I offer the following descriptions to serve as a verification of the specific ECTS 519 competencies. 1. Establish a blog, using free sites of my choice. 2. Develop a lesson plan for a course I teach. 3. Use a digital camera to take a self-portrait photograph. Crop and reduce the size of same photo. 4. Graphic skills applied to develop a Power Point presentation, integrating interactive pedagogical or andragogical appropriate strategies for English Learners. 5. More advanced capabilities addressed respective to the computer literacy, posting slide shows and lesson plans on my blog (as attachments/links), with a memo describing how English Learners and Pedagogical or andragogical strategies were implemented. Competencies 2 and 4 were met via the final exam foe ECTS 518 in which I was required to develop lesson plans, as well as, prepare a 'Media Presentation' which entailed developing an instructional slide show using power point. Competencies 1, 3 and 5 have been met in my years of teaching and preparing teaching tools and learning plans for my students. For competency 1, listed below are blogs I established, the first being a 'Weebly' site in which I set up a blog site to which students who missed a class could go to get updated on pending assignments to be turned in when they do return to class. The second is a google blog I recently set up for practice in using the google blogger tool. Regarding competency 3, in some of my assignments for both ECTS 501 and ECTS 518 (particularly in my 'Data Sheet and School Site Documents') and in my Weebly site account, I cropped and reduced the size of my self portrait photo, which I incorporated in the assignment sheets, and my Weebly site (in the 'About- Teacher/ Course'). Finally, competency 5 was met by a mix of my ECTS 501/ 518, my blog (web-sites) where I prepared course information and posted same on the internet, as well as in ECTS 504 where in most of my assignments I sought to understand what strategies would be most beneficial to English Learners, as well as pedagogical or andragogical learners. Although I have opted for the Competency Verification Option for ECTS 519, my personal development in the use of technology will be ongoing. I hope to acquire further skills (such as audio and video capture) to add to my Web site and slide show presentations. I also aspire to becoming more proficient in digital photography manipulation in Photoshop. 9 Attachments